1 of these 2 words must be in your team name starting May 15

The Texas Real Estate Commission's revised advertising rules go into effect May 15, and that mean...

From the Hotline: When the seller wants to accept a second offer

Members sometimes call the hotline when a seller is under contract but wants to accept a second o...

Are you leaving money on the table?

You can save up to 60% on office products and printing services through Office Depot and OfficeMa...

What counts as a smart home?

Smart home devices allow users to remotely monitor and control features of a home. That could be ...

Comment on new and revised commercial forms

The Texas REALTORS® has proposed four new commercial forms: Commercial Contract Condominium ...

Why the size of warehouses has doubled since the 2000s

A new report from CBRE shows that the average size of warehouses built in the U.S. during 2012 to...

Why You Should Make Requests in Person

You may be a natural influencer or a fantastic writer, but research shows you’re probably overe...

Texans tagged as most powerful people in residential real estate

Texas REALTORS® CEO Travis Kessler was among the Texans featured in the 2018 Swanepoel Power 200...

Improve your focus to boost your business

Whether it's missing a transaction deadline or not getting an offer in on time, a lack of focus c...

Don’t be seen as a spammer when sending marketing emails

Everyone complains about too much email, but it’s still an effective way to reach prospects and...

Are REALTORS® required to disclose prior flooding from a property condition to potential tenants?

When you’re marketing a property for lease that had previous flooding from a property condition...

Can my unlicensed assistant unlock the door for potential buyers if I’m running late?

No. TREC Rule 535.4(c) states that a person must be licensed as a broker or sales agent to show a...

Hiring someone for drone photography and videography? Ask if they’re insured.

If a drone you were using in conjunction with your real estate business does damage that results ...

Do you have to be a member of a board to access its MLS?

I’m a principal REALTOR® member of my local board, but I also want access to MLS services from...

Does a landlord waive other rights by willingly accepting late rent payments?

The Texas Supreme Court recently decided that a landlord still maintains the right to evict a ten...

Free help getting started with RPR

If you haven't yet learned to use the REALTORS® Property Resource (RPR) app, a free webinar host...

When can buyers exercise their termination option in a backup contract?

If your buyers have a backup contract with a termination option, Paragraph D of the Addendum for ...

How to use Twitter's new 280-character limit effectively

Twitter recently doubled its long-established 140-character limit per tweet. The move is intende...

What the tax reform law means for you and your clients

President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as passed by Congress. All individual provisions...

Does granting a commercial buyer’s feasibility study period and inspection rights obligate a seller to make repairs?

My client submitted an offer for a commercial property using the Commercial Contract—Improved P...

Share This: Why an 'instant offer' may not be the best

The Share This column in the redesigned Texas REALTOR® magazine gives you a one-pager you can ...

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